We haven’t actually gotten out for woods walks much lately, due to all the things there are to do here to keep us occupied (and the often rainy winter days as well). With homeschooling, outings, errands and shopping,…
We’ve visited the sea several times over the week since we’ve been back in Jacksonville and, though the the water feels freezing to the mamas, the kids don’t seem to mind much. We went with a friend and…
These photos are some I took during our visit to Tucson last month, where we spent a relaxing week with my Auntie T and Uncle Tim. Oh, the weather was mostly glorious and sunny, we got to go…
It was cold, snowy and icy, we only had a little bit of light before dark, and we lost the other group we went with. It cost $5, about 2 hours, some gas and some shivers. But we…
Our family has been a state of crisis for the past several weeks, as Matt’s sister’s 6 week old baby has been at a children’s hospital in Seattle with a rare heart condition. Baby Kimble is awaiting heart…
I know this is quite a random assortment of photos, but the photos tell the story of the kind of experience it is to be at the home of our good friends Alan and Sarah– eclectic, beautiful, interesting,…
I’ve not considered myself a pet person for quite some time now, but, largely due to the fact that my kids love them so much, these pooches are growing on me. The dogs belong to my parents-in-law with…
These are a few favorite photographs from our visit to California last month. We had a relaxing time of visiting with my parents, my bio-dad, and my sister and her little family. Ashton fell in love (again) with…