I’m thankful for photos, because I’ve been thinking we haven’t been doing much due to all the frantic work on the house Matt and I have been doing as we attempt to finish it all up. But, it…
Spring has brought us time working on the yard and house, time with friends, and time with our church community. The kids and I have been taking walks in the woods by our house many days of the…
The kids and I headed to Montana recently for some much-needed cousin playtime and to give Matt a week of space all to himself (and by that I mean, a week to work on our house uninterrupted by the myriad needs of…
We took a trip with our friends to Pioneer Farm Museum and Ohop Indian Village (http://www.pioneerfarmmuseum.org/), a really cool experiential, hands-on museum exploring the past.…
She turned 12. She had a sleepover, went to the movies, ate food she wanted, and enjoyed her cakes and presents. I’ve also included here photos of her venturing out for bits of time as the weather warmed:…
Matt and I caved. We finally gave in and bought the trampoline our kids have been wanting for years. Our friends came over to help us set it up, which saved us sooooo much time. And now, even…
“It won’t be long before we’ll all be there with SNOW!” Do you recognize that song? We did watch several old musicals this winter while we snuggled up during snowy weather. More snow, and cold temps, happened here…
Winter was wet and cold this year (though the photos seem to show mostly the sunny days— this is only part of a mostly very gray, cloudy story), with many, many, MANY days at home. From the snaps…
December has brought us cold, rain, and several days of snow; woods walks; time with friends; an epic kitchen project; legos and stop-motion and movie making by Ashton (if you want to see her work, her blog is http://themockturtlesworkshop.blogspot.com/);…
I haven’t been taking many photos lately, but pictured above are a few of the fun things we’ve done this fall. It looks from these photos like the weather has been gorgeous and sunny, but in reality we’ve had mostly…