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kid projects


kid projects • Nov 5, 2010

Ashton completed her first dance class a few weeks ago.  She liked some things about it and not others.  Lots of class time was spent with her sitting next to me, watching, and rejoining the class when she…


Reading and Writing

kid projects • Oct 29, 2010

Thanks to a really cool papa who seems to speak her language and get her excited about it, our girl has been learning to read.  Maybe it’s the chopsticks that are the key to his success…   She…


Our Busy Days

family , kid projects • Oct 25, 2010

Our days, like yours, are full.  When I wake up to see it (and when I sleep enough to fully participate in it– I’m working on that), I see an alive family connecting, learning, exploring, creating, and enjoying…


Watercolor Snowflakes

kid projects • Oct 19, 2010

Occasionally I bring out specific art materials for a “project” with the kids, but generally I don’t have an end product in mind.  The project starts one way and then continuously changes and takes different paths as we…