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kid projects

Ornament Magic

beautiful things , kid projects • Dec 11, 2010

My daily routine is to spend a few quiet minutes each night after the kids are in bed hanging ornaments back on the tree.  I find these ornaments through the house– on windowsills, couch cushions, piano benches, bookshelves…


Cedar In Action

kid projects • Dec 2, 2010

After I wrote yesterday about Ashton’s interest in fairies and my curiosity about Cedar’s interests, I decided to start paying closer attention to Cedar, watch him, respond to him, and see what he is up to.  I learned…


Fairies Among Us

kid projects • Dec 1, 2010

Do you know we have fairies in our house?  They are everywhere, and Ashton has been very busy catching them, making villages for them (several  different villages are pictured below), feeding them, writing signs for them, drawing them,…


Kid Craft Mania

kid projects • Nov 23, 2010

In the wake of Grandma’s visit has come a barrage of kid crafting, and there will be much more to come.  All we need is one idea to get us started, and the creativity comes rolling forward.  This…


Crafting with Grandma

family , kid projects • Nov 20, 2010

After a day or so of laying around not knowing what to do with herself, Grandma started thumbing through a crafting book.  For the rest of her stay, our table was covered with materials– scissors, glue, paper of…


She Works!

family , kid projects • Nov 12, 2010

We have been giving her a weekly allowance and requiring that she complete some simple regular tasks, but on one recent evening Ashton decided to do some extra contributing around the house for money.  I was tired and…


Free Play and Ice Cream!

kid projects • Nov 10, 2010

This is Ashton’s creation, from start to finish.  All I did was find her the materials she requested, and write the words for her.  She did have a few more words in mind, including, “Ariel play. Tickets for…