If you haven’t seen this video of Jim Henson making puppets, you really should. And if you have kids, please watch it with them. We have watched it several times and after each viewing our little boy has…
I love getting doctored by the kids– especially when they let me snooze through it… which doesn’t really happen anymore since so much of “doctoring” now is them asking me lists of questions and taking lengthy notes. But,…
A teenager from our homeschool group demonstrated a parkour move for us at the park the other day (I asked him to show us a move because he practices it and we think parkour is awesome), so this…
I’ve been doing my best to get us out-of-doors every day, because I think it’s good for us. Whether it’s to the beach or the woods or biking to the park, we’ve been enjoying the Florida sunshine as…
Please don’t be offended or turned off by us… but we have transformed into a zombie family, and as a zombie family we have celebrated a zombie Christmas (including a zombie Christmas play). OK, just kidding, we aren’t…
Because it’s fun to invite our dinner guests to ‘draw Christmas’ with us, then eat up all the cookies (thanks Mom!!!) leaving only crumbs in our wake.…
Knitted hats, lots of ornaments, and popcorn garlands are just a few of the holiday makings going on around here these days, thanks to our advent calendar. The ornaments pictured above are crystal ornaments, a feather angel, salt…