Ashton loves watching my sister, a professional belly dancer in Sacramento, in her videos on YouTube. She misses you, Mychelle, and still practices the moves you taught her. We hope we can learn more from you soon… and…
In the wake of the exciting doll bed project, Cedar decided it was his turn to make a creation of his own. With fabric, fabric markers and stuffing, together we created his very own monster pillow. Very cool,…
While Matt is away, my focus shifts away from managing our foursome, making tasty meals, supporting Matt, corralling everyone where we all need to be, and keeping the house tidy, and rests more upon noticing and addressing my…
These photos portray much of what the kids and I have been doing with our days lately: making lots of new friends and developing relationships with the people we know, going outside (parks, pools, beach, or woods), enjoying…
One of the things I know about myself is that I LOVE watching my children head outside for adventuring, especially if the adventuring can happen in the woods. I long for a day when our backyard (these photos…
She loves stickers. Makes art with them for hours at a sitting. Pages and pages of art made with the inspiration these little sticky pictures. It’s especially exciting for her because her cousin Mailli has the same stickers!…
While visiting our friend last week in North Carolina, after reading a library book about a girl who eats bugs, Ashton confirmed that she was going to cook up some worms and eat them. She was dead serious,…
She drew everything she wanted for a week prior, talked about it almost constantly, sang and bounced around more and more each day, and finally she had her birthday. We spent a quiet day as a family doing…
Clay is really such a fun, clean and easy way to keep the children happy, do a fun art project, and end up with little toys to keep forever. This is FIMO or some other kind of oven…