We took a few photos together, him and I, after our walk to the basketball court to practice dribbling and passing. Cause he’s into sports lately, and he has lots of thoughts every day about all kinds of…
More recent goings-on of late through the lens of my phone: moonlit beach, more beach, first tooth lost (the top one got pulled years ago, and now the bottom ones are falling out), visit with neighbor friend, Navy…
:: going for evening family walks when the breeze kicks up and the weather cools off. The days lately are super humid and hot, but the evenings are lovely. We’ve also been incorporating what we call “Mom time/Dad…
Although I’d like to say we have done this family-running-around-the-beach a lot in the weeks since Matt’s been home, and that life is blissful and amazing all the time now that we are back together, it just wouldn’t…
Matt had 2 weeks off recently after returning home from deployment. We didn’t go on any cruises or fancy vacations, but enjoyed being home with movies and video games, working out together, walks and woods, good meals and…
We said good-bye to the ocean with Jean on her last night here. We went at sunset to watch the magic of the water and sky, and it was very good indeed. I want to remember to get…
Just some photos today of our little back-together family and Matt’s mom during her visit, checking out Jacksonville tourist spots. No photos of the spot themselves, I’m sorry to say! I guess I love those faces more than…