January was MEH for me. I got very unmotivated and stopped taking photos… mostly because we didn’t do much. The region did eventually turn “yellow,” allowing more freedom, but the weather has been rainy and, well, January-ish. We did hike a bit, went to IKEA a few times to organize our house for the purchase we made (see below), made lots of trips to the Navy base for appointments, and Cedar spent some days on the couch after getting his wisdom teeth out. I am looking forward to more fun in February!
A date with Matt to Pozzuoli…
While we were in Pozzuoli we bought a PIANO!
Birthday plans, homeschool, games, chess, art, sun once in a while, baking, friends over, and staying warm…
A traffic jam right next to our house…
Dates for hot chocolate with an ocean view…
Hikes around volcanos…
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