on friends, learning and life

Feb 27, 2015


That last photo is of the lovely mountains so close to us.  Because it’s sort of representative of our life here now, I wanted to post these photos here of our homeschool group’s recent trip to explore the beach at low tide.  This area offers such a different and unique set of experiences, with the majority of our parks being situated right on the water that surrounds us.  It’s pretty neat, actually, to move from playground to beach so effortlessly.  This group’s kids seemed to know very little about the life in the water and on the shore here (nor do we), so it has prompted me to generate some field trips with the local aquarium and beach naturalist program for our group.  We all would benefit from being educated about the natural world around us.  More to come on that!

I’m really working on getting these kids out lately to meet other kids from our group, forming park days and field trips to get people out in a place where most people seem to want to stay at home or stick with their existing community, and yet also trying to find a way to be engaged while still having lots of space to just BE at home.  Life is tricky that way– it seems to tilt in one direction or another for me without staying in balance for very long.  It seems to take a lot of intention, conversation, re-purposing and changing of course to meet all our needs these days.

seattle aquarium

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