Because Grandma has a ritual of giving her grandchildren Jelly Bellies (one for each kid, although the line on how many times you can go back for another one is a bit blurry), we thought it would be fun to check out the Jelly Belly factory in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin. We took a train ride through the “factory”– which was really a warehouse with some videos teaching us all about the candy. Although we did not see any live candy-making action, we did get to wear cool hats and ride on a train that made a very satisfying “choo-choo” sound. And then we got to the end of the tour: the Jelly Belly Candy Shop. The Sample Bar was everyone’s favorite spot, of course, with a glorious array of free beans by the handful… including flavors such as Booger and Baby Wipes that the brave among us tried. We got sugared up, then continued on our adventure, sharing Jelly Bellies on our way. At one point we took an sudden and unexpected U-turn to check out a beautiful Goodwill, then homeward for a meal and crafting.
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Super jelly-bellies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!